A power line that has fallen to the ground should always be treated as live. Contact with the line could result in a serious injury or death to you or one of your family members or a neighbour.
Your Trees and Power Supply – download a copy of the PDF here
If trees or branches come into contact with power lines it can cause damage, widespread outages, and create risk of serious injury or death.
As a property owner, you’re responsible for any trees on your property, and could be liable for the significant cost of any damage to power lines. That’s why it’s important to check trees or hedges regularly and take appropriate action if they do pose a risk. If you’re unsure what to do, contact us for advice.
Trees need to be kept at a safe distance from power equipment because:
• Children who climb trees close to power lines are at risk of serious injury or death.
• In severe weather, vegetation can become electrically ‘live’ and may pose an electrocution risk.
• Trees can fall during bad weather, damaging power lines and causing outages.
• Trees close to power lines may cause electrical sparking, resulting in fire.
• Tree roots can grow around underground electricity cables, damaging the insulation and causing power supply failure.
In October 2024, the Regulations were updated to increase the minimum safe distances between trees and power lines, and a new ‘clear to the sky’ requirement for some trees. There is a grace period relating to these until 16 October 2026.
If your tree is growing within the Cut-back or Notice Zone (Tree A), you may get a legal notice saying your trees must be trimmed soon because they’re getting too close to power equipment.
Should they reach the Growth Limit Zone (Tree B), you will get a legal notice requiring them to be trimmed, which can be done by Electra or an Electra approved contractor.
According to the Regulations, no person is permitted within four metres (Controlled Access Zone) of a power line without prior approval from Electra.
Therefore, only Electra or an Electra approved contractor can be used to safely trim or cut down trees growing within four metres of any power line. Request a quote to have your trees trimmed by Electra’s certified team of arborists at: www.electra.co.nz/contactus
Electra continually checks the network for trees and vegetation that pose a risk to power equipment. You’ll receive a Notice if your trees need attention under the Regulations.
You can also declare no interest in your trees near our network. That means you won’t be liable for damage the tree causes to the lines, and that we have permission to carry out necessary safety work, including removal.
Electra may cover the cost to perform the first cut or trim on a tree encroaching on a power line, if the following conditions apply, or are met:
• according to Electra’s records, the trees have not been subject to a previous cut or trim at our cost.
• the trees are not around a service line.
• the trees have not been the subject of a previous agreement, and
• the tree owner grants access to the site.
If all of these conditions apply, Electra will issue you with a Notice and perform the work at no charge to you.
second or subsequent cut
After that you’re responsible for taking care of the trees on your property. This includes organising and paying for Electra or an Electra approved contractor to trim them safely if they’re close to power equipment.
Being proactive and inspecting your trees will help ensure the power can stay on for everyone.
Please note that if your trees cause any problems on the electricity network, you may be charged for all repair costs.
If you have an interruption to supply of electricity please call 0800 LOST POWER 0800 567 876.
Trees and private service lines
Service lines (the lines that connect a property to the network lines in the street) are owned by and the responsibility of, the property owner. The regulations do not cover service lines and we are not responsible for checking or trimming trees around them.
For safety and to protect your power supply it makes good sense to keep trees away from your service lines. You can hire a professional arborist or you can trim the tree yourself. Service lines are dangerous so, unless you are using an arborist qualified to work around live lines, always have your power supply temporarily disconnected before you start.
Keep your trees trimmed well clear of the wires but obtain assistance or advice from Electra when there is likelihood of danger to yourself or your family, or of the tree falling against the overhead lines.