Power Lines that have been
damaged or fallen down
Stay away from all electric wires that have fallen down, as they may be live. Get help immediately by calling Electra on 0800 567 876. Electra will disconnect the downed wire from the power source, repair the damage, which could incur a cost on private property, and restore normal power supply as soon as possible.
Electric Shock
- Do you know what to do in an electrical emergency?
- Have you taught your family to be safe around electricity?
- Do you have smoke alarms installed in your home?
- Have you tested your smoke alarms recently?
- Do you test them regularly?
- Do you have a multi-purpose fire extinguisher in your home?
- Do all people who live in your home know the safest evacuation route in case of an emergency?
- Do you have an emergency plan?
If someone receives an electric shock around the home do not touch them. Switch the power off at the main power switch. If you touch the person while they are still in contact with the electrical current you will also get an electric shock.
The longer a person is in contact with the power source, the more likely the shock will be fatal. If it is not possible to turn the power off, use an insulated object such as a broom with a dry wooden handle to push the victim clear of the source of shock. Never choose anything even slightly damp to help rescue the victim.
Phone for an ambulance immediately by dialling the Emergency Number 111.
Administer appropriate first aid such as CPR. If you have not had first aid training, the emergency operator may be able to give you directions until help arrives.
In all cases of electric shock, even if the victim feels fine, it is recommended that you seek medical treatment and advice immediately. Visit your local doctor or after hours medical centre. Report all electrical accidents to the government agency Energy Safety by calling FREEPHONE 0800 10 44 77.
Electrical Fires
Never throw water on an electrical fire. If possible, disconnect the faulty appliance or turn off the power. Keep a multi-purpose fire extinguisher handy at all times. If necessary, phone the Fire Service on Emergency Number 111.
To be prepared, install smoke detectors in your home and have an evacuation plan that all members of the family know and have practised. Report electrically caused fires to the government agency Energy Safety by calling FREEPHONE 0800 10 44 77.
Dispose of faulty appliances or get electrical installations checked by a licensed electrician.
If you are not sure about what to do in the event of an electrical emergency – Call Electra on 0800 567 876 or 0800 LOSTPOWER

Medically Dependant Consumers
In November 2009, the Electricity Commission released a guideline to assist medically dependent consumers to articulate the Electricity Commission’s expectations of electricity retailers for medically dependent consumers. The guideline (section 6) defines a medically dependent consumer as “A domestic consumer who is dependent on mains electricity for critical medical support, such that loss of electricity may result in loss of life or serious harm”.
It also states (section 4) that this “does not imply a guaranteed supply of electricity to medically dependent consumers. From time to time temporary electricity outages may occur and medically dependent consumers should ensure backup plans are in place to handle such temporary outages”. The guideline goes further in (section 10) articulating expectations that “medically dependent consumers need to take responsibility for ensuring that they have an emergency response plan in place to respond to any electricity outage”. For more information go to: www.ea.govt.nz
Electra, like other suppliers in the electricity industry, cannot guarantee continuous supply. From time to time there will be localised unplanned outages where the continuity of supply is interrupted. This can be caused by any number of things, including equipment failure, trees falling through lines, vehicle accident and storms, among other things. These localised unplanned outages, which can be widespread, cannot be predicted or notified ahead of time, and restoration times will vary with the degree and extent of repair work required. Regional outages may also occur when Transpower experience faults within their systems. These are beyond Electra Network’s control and can occur with little or no warning.
Electra strongly advise that medically dependent consumers develop an emergency management plan with their health care provider to get them through.