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Complaints process

As a customer of Electra you have the right to expect quality service and support at all times. If you have a complaint or problem, including land issues, we want to know so that we can fix it. All our staff are committed to treating complaints seriously and reaching resolutions as quickly and fairly as possible.
Here are the ways you can go about letting us know:
Step 1

Talk to us

A quick chat with a staff member at Electra is often all that is required to resolve your concern. Call us on 0800 Electra (0800 353 2872) between 8am - 5pm weekdays and ask to speak with our General Manager - Lines Business. He will take personal responsibility for ensuring your complaint is thoroughly investigated and resolved as quickly and fairly as possible. We endeavour to resolve all formal complaints within a period of 20 days and we do not charge for this service.

Step 2

Utilities Disputes Limited

We sincerely hope that your complaint has been resolved by this stage. If not, you can contact Utilities Disputes on 0800 22 33 40 or go to Utilities Disputes is a free and independent service for resolving complaints about utilities providers.

Electra is a member of the Utilities Disputes Scheme including land complaints.